11 October 2011

momma knows best

I know it's been awhile since I've posted! There has been so much going on that I've barely had time to sleep.. it's a great thing being busy when it's with things and people you love but at the same time, it's terribly exhausting. In the last week....

- I've turned 21 
- Had 4 birthday parties (yes yes I know that I have the best friends and family) 
- Had to write 3 papers
- 2 tests 
- lots of other homework 
- worked A LOT
- went on vacation (OU/tx weekend in Dallas) 
- OU kicked UT's ass! (pardon my french.. it's necessary in this instance) 
- and didnt sleep one bit 

Soooo now that I'm back I'm just on a mission to relax, make my room feel more like home, bake, DIY lots of projects I've been dreaming about, and pour out my love from Christ to those around me! 

On a serious note.. I have learned something. I dont know if it's that I learned it today, or this weekend, or just over the time since I've been on my own in college. But I've learned the biggest lesson I wish I would have learned a loooooong time ago. 

My mom was right. about everything. 

All the warnings, all the advice, all the "dont do that" or "I think you should do this".. it was all right. All the bad things I've done or bad things that happened to me in my past.. I'm going to say that at least 90% of them could have been avoided if I would have listened to my mommy. 

You always hear people say "mothers know best" and I never thought I would believe that, say it myself, or agree with it -- but I do, to all of the above. 

So to all the mothers out there, I'm saying on behalf of all daughters, we're sorry we dont listen right aways. 
and to all the daughters out there, listen to your mom! She really does know best! 
ohhh and thank her, tell her you love her, and do nice things for them. often

03 October 2011

this weekend.

was wonderful
perfect combo of activities! 

cozies, a good book, my front porch, and pumpkin spice latte's! 

date night! :) 
movie (moneyball-- very good!), dinner, mini golf, and arcade games! 

OU game! 
my brother came! 
the weather was amazing! 
we won!! (of course!) 

less than 12 hours until I'm 21!
birthday! birthday! birthday!!

28 September 2011


I'm almost half way done with my Junior year and it's got me dreaming! 
Dreaming of all the things I could do, see, and experience. 
I'm single and have nothing tying me down, 
which only means I can move where ever the Lord is calling me 
to do whatever he is calling me to do! 

How many times in your life do you get to pick up and move?
start completely over. 
In a dream location with a dream job and a dream life. 
I figure twice. 
1.) when you graduate college (single or married with no kids) 
2.) when you you're retired and the kids are all grown up. 

I know I want to move over seas for a few years but I think I want to do that when I'm married as our little husband and wife adventure before we have kids. 
I dont want all my adventures to be solo. 
and how cool would it be to live overseas on a long term mission trip early in your marriage?
Talk about making a strong bond!! 

I'm in love and obsessed with the idea of living in a small town
the kind where everyone knows each other 
(but theres still stuff to do) 
on the coast.. with mountains!! 
So I've been looking at potential places in The States.. 

hood river, oregon 
missoula, montana 
olympia, washington
portsmouth, new hampshire 
bremerton, washington
willington, north carolina 

This is my chance. 
And I'm ready to let me dreams run wild! 

27 September 2011

1 week.

1 week until my birthday!! 
yay! yay! yay! yay! yay! yay! yay! yay! yay! yay! 

21 September 2011

last night.

was amazing!!! 

Joe White and the AfterDark staff was an absolute blessing to OU. 
It was a night full of truth, worship, happiness & lives being changed!! 
Praise the Lord! 
A couple thousand kids were there and a couple thousand kids made a discision of a lifetime. 
1.) they gave their life to Christ!! 
2.) they want to stop living in chains of sin and guilt but chained to Christ and the cross!! 
It was a seriously epic night. 

the greatest girls you'll ever meet!
me and the Christian Rapper Fedel! :) 
me. my best friend. & DAVE BARNES!!! 
a great man of God. Tim Mannin! one of the pastor's at Journey Church

my friend Josh surprised me!! :) 

It was a great night. 
I wish I could relive it! :) 

20 September 2011

AFTER DARK. tonight!

Dave Barnes, Landry Jones, Ryan Broyles

tonight. will be epic! 
& guess who (might) hang out with Dave in the Green room?? 
yes. this girl! 
yiippeeeee yiipppeeeee yipppeeeeeeeeee

I cannot contain my emotion. seriously.

19 September 2011


3 favorite things that I'm loving today! 
It's a good day!! 

New candle scents are out for autumn & I'm loving it! 
It's my favorite smell behind all the Christmas smells! 
I picked up these 2 today when I was out running errants. Absolutely amazing.
(harvest is my favorite!)

Justin's Nut Butter is worth every penny. 
yes, all $11 dollars worth of pennies. 
I'm obsessed. 
It's all I want to eat! Justin, who ever "justin" is.. is a genius!

Essie's fall collection. 
This really doesnt need anymore said. Nail polish speaks for itself :) 

15 September 2011

make over

I'm feeling antsy in my room. 
I need more space. 
More storage. 
More decorations
More wall decor. 

here's what I'm thinking :) 

14 September 2011


so. much. work. 
I've been sitting at starbucks since 1:00pm and I dont plan on leaving until they close. 
Then i'll probably go home and continue to work. 

good music. starbucks. tasty drinks. homework glasses & big long sleeve tshirt!
that is what's getting me through! 
well... actually the Lord is giving my strength to do this! 
 but those are extra fun things bringing me joy! 

break time is over. 
happy hump day! 

it's all downhill from here! :) 

13 September 2011

this week

this week.
is the definition of jammed packed.

monday- school, girlfriends event, homework

tuesday - school, SAM's, homework, meetings, hospitality, lifestream, & clean up

wednesday - homework & huge medical anthropology test 

thursday - school, homework, small group, packing!

friday - school, home!!!!, lunch date, katy perry concert!

saturday - sleeping in, pool, reading, family time

sunday - church, pool, relaxing AND THIS!!! 

never been so excited for a movie in my whole life!!
& who better to watch it with than my siblings!
heck yes!

this weekend home really could not come soon enough!!

11 September 2011

remembering 9/11

It's funny. 
Today I woke up with a sense of sadness for what today is the anniversary of but also so much joy and pride in our country. 

10 years ago today was a tragedy in our countries history. 
Something I think all of us remember vividly. 
I was in 5th grade but I can remember that day better than I can remember yesterday. 

But through the tragedy we arose out of the ashes as one. 
United by terrorism despite our differences. 
united with grief, pride, and love. 

We will never forget the acts that happened on September 11, 2001 
and will continually be thankful for where we live and our Nation. 

So today, remember, be thankful, and pray for all those affected by 9/11
and also for all those who serve our country. 
the policeman, those in medical, firefighters, and troops, government, ect. 

Today, dont criticize our nation for the economical repercussions and war that sprung for that event. 
but rather just be  beyond thankful and grateful for those who work around the clock to keep us safe. 
We are eternally grateful for all those with servants hearts to defend us, fight for us, protect us, and constantly serve us. 

This morning President Obama read Psalm 46
& at church we read the same thing.
I think it could not be more perfect for today, the remembrance, the anniversary, the pride, thankfulness, strength, and hope wrapped within what today stands for.

 1 God is our refuge and strength, 

   an ever-present help in trouble. 
2 Therefore we will not fear, though the earth give way 
   and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, 
3 though its waters roar and foam 
   and the mountains quake with their surging.[c]

 4 There is a river whose streams make glad the city of God, 
   the holy place where the Most High dwells. 
5 God is within her, she will not fall; 
   God will help her at break of day. 
6 Nations are in uproar, kingdoms fall; 
   he lifts his voice, the earth melts.

 7 The LORD Almighty is with us; 
   the God of Jacob is our fortress.

 8 Come and see what the LORD has done, 
   the desolations he has brought on the earth. 
9 He makes wars cease 
   to the ends of the earth. 
He breaks the bow and shatters the spear; 
   he burns the shields[d] with fire. 
10 He says, “Be still, and know that I am God; 
   I will be exalted among the nations, 
   I will be exalted in the earth.”

 11 The LORD Almighty is with us; 
   the God of Jacob is our fortress

God Bless America.
United We Stand.

09 September 2011

weekend style.

I am very excited for this weekend! It's been the most beautiful weather ever in Oklahoma this week and I cant wait to spend this weekend outside with friends! This weekend we dont have a football game which just leaves lots of time for ANYTHING!!!! 

friday afternoon// night = 2nd friday on Main St. 
every 2nd friday of the month all the local artist, stores, and food gather on main street for crafts, good eats, shopping, and even more shopping. 

perfect occasion for fall fashion, a light sweater, and great atmosphere to whip out my camera!

tank: threadcase, earrings: local designer, jeans: 7forallmankind, flats: urbanoutfitters sweater: urbanoutfitters

saturday = movie with the girls, lounging at the house, and reading outside! 
yes yes yes please!! 

shorts: true religion, tank: old navy, plaid: jcrew, watch: michael kors, shoes: aldo, bag: anthropologie 
sunday = teaching sunday school, church, brunch, homework! 

skirt: ruche, top: ruche, heels: urbanoutfitters, necklace: pinterest, bag: anthropologie

happy weekend! 
enjoy the weather!! 
&& enjoy the fall fashion and light jackets!

07 September 2011


Lately, Oklahoma has taken it's pride to this whole new level.

All of the sudden the state has become so prideful.. but not in a bad way, it a really cool way!

There's tshirt, necklaces, jackets, rings, everything just everywhere!
All vintage looking and most made from eco friendly shirts or organic shirts. even better!

So of course, I've had to get some! :)



this whale is located on route 66 outside tulsa! plus.. whales are my favorite animal so i had to buy it! 

& proud of it

i have this in gold! 

I love my state.

02 September 2011

functional. fun. fabulous. friday.

Happy friday!!! 

Now that I have officially finished 2 weeks of my Junior year, 
I'm starting to get my function, fun, and fabulous school necessities down! 

I live close to campus so I walk to school (very green of me right? right.) but with that come hot long days of walking a couple miles. 
So I had the task of finding fun, function, and fabulous items for my long days. 
but that were at the same time extremely functional! 

1.) comfy sandals! 

2.) cute custom not backpack bag! 

3.) sunglasses that go with any hair style 

4.) beats.. gotta get that music goin! 
& boomer sooner red was a must. duh! 

beats by dre
5.) hair ties for those really hot sweaty neck moments walking from class that dont crease or indent your hair so you can pull them out and still have fabulous hair! 

emi- jay hair ties 
these make my days so much smoother! 
happy labor day weekend! :) 

01 September 2011

very much

I would very much enjoy both of these somewhere in my house! 

I would do more pictures of friends, family, and my photography.
But I love this concept

I'm thinking it's perfect for up my stairs! 

31 August 2011


Today I met with my pastor's wife who suggested I read the book of Titus. I'm in three different leadership positions at my church and she had it on her heart to share this book for encouragement and advice!

I am so uplifted, rejuvenated, and joyful by this book today!! So I thought I would share my favorite verses from it! :)

"Receive everything God our Father and Jesus our Savior give you!" 
- Titus 1: 4 

I like this because I think sometimes when we're trying to be humble we don't receive gifts, opportunities, or blessings like we should. Or on the flip side of that.. we take all that he has given for granted and we need to remember all that He has given us!!

"This new life is starting now, and is whetting our appetites for the glorious day when our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ, appears. He offered himself as a sacrifice to free us from a dark, rebellious life into this good, pure life, making us people he can be proud of, energetic in goodness." 
- Titus 2: 13-14 

Ahhh this just fires me!! Thank you Lord for all that you have given us! I will gladly receive this gift to life a life with You!!!

"But when God, our kind and loving Savior God, stepped in, he saved us from all that. It was all his doing; we had nothing to do with it. He gave us a good bath, and we came out of it new people, washed inside and out by the Holy Spirit. Our Saviour Jesus poured out new life so generously. God's gift has restored our relationship with him and given us back our lives. And there's more life to come - an eternity of life! You can count on this." 
- Titus 3: 5-8 

Thank You Jesus for your life you gave to us!!

get encouraged on this hump day! :) 

29 August 2011


Located in Edmond OK in Route 66! 
This is a trademark to the famous highway and to Oklahoma! 
Pops Arcadia is a gas station, restaurant, and convenient store!
It's the most fun and unique convient store in Route 66 and deserves the stop. 
It's a blast and just really neat to see everything.

Plus there's all the Pop (or Soda, Coke, Cola, whatever ya'll call it who arent from Oklahoma. We call carbonated drinks Pop!) you could ever imagine!! 
This is just about 1/4 of it! 

25 August 2011

2 years.

Today marks my 2 year birthday with Jesus Christ. It was 2 years ago today that my world was turned upside down and changed for the good! It was then that I found a reason to live! I may have found Christ at 18 but it was then that my life truly started. 

It was the best decision I've ever made! And ever will make! 

The past 2 years have been so beyond blessed and filled with more support, forgiveness, strength, joy, fellowship, opportunities, and love than a person could ever imagine in their wildest dreams. All of which comes from Him! And without Him you cant fully know the joys of the world. There is nothing that could make me go back to my old life.. because there is no life without Jesus Christ!!  

Thank the Lord for His Son so that we can all be free in Him! 

Today was a big day. A great day. A loved day. A blessed day. Another day with my Savior. 

Praise the Lord! 
Shame the Devil! 

24 August 2011


this is the college ministry I serve with! 
It's amazing. 
It changed my life. 

This is about 1/4th of the 700 college students that walk through the doors of Journey Church in Norman Oklahoma every Tuesday night. 
It's our own service. 
completely around college kids, biblical truth thats relative to our lives, and an encouraging community. 
What's so cool is that it's almost completely run by college students. 
Even the band is college kids. 
Our pastors are older but everyone else is a student! 

This is where I serve. 
This is where my home is. 
This is my family. 


I'm the Director of Hopsitality this year and I love it! 
It's a great way to serve and hang out with my friends..
but mostly it get's me closer to the Lord! 

(plus we get really tight stuff for free when we volunteer.. like these tanks from last Sunday!)

I scream! 
You scream! 
We all scream for Lifestream!

22 August 2011

junior year

Today was the first day of school! 
I'm officially in 15th grade.. aka a Junior in College! 
I feel soooo old! my goodness. 
The time flies right? right. 

I will admit.. it feels really good to be back. 
I'm so excited for what the Lord has planned for me this year! 
It's going to be an amazing blessed school year. 

I couldnt be happier on my first day! 

16 August 2011

hunger games

I'm currently finishing the first installment of the Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins.

I started it because I was sad Harry Potter came to and end and Twilight (yes I just admitted I read and watch the Twilight series) was close to an end. So now what? What series to read and discuss with friends or in awkward situations when books are the only common topic?

I've been hearing rants and raves about this series so I thought I would try it out.. plus it's becoming a movie with hottie potottie Liam Hemsworth! :)

Anyway... I have almost finished the first book and as entertaining as it has been thus far, it does not stand up to the excitement and adventure of Harry Potter or even the (dont make fun of me for saying this..) 'I cant put this down' or the love factor of the Twilight series.

We'll see how the rest of the book turns out.
& well the rest of the series. 

I may have to stick with Harry Potter and Nicholas Sparks..

15 August 2011

south africa souvenirs

These my friends are the best thing I bought the whole time I was in South Africa!!
They are handmade cards from girls in the Hospice we visited. 
They are so beautiful already but then to think that they were made by the women we met just melts my heart. 
The Hospice we went to was in KwaMlanga, South Africa. 
It's a Hospice for those who have AIDs & some of them have AIDs and TB. 
People come there when they have no where else to go and when they really dont have much time left. In South Africa, a lot of the villages and townships consider AIDs to be witchcraft so when a loved one or someone in the community gets to be very sick with AIDs they are typically exiled because of the fear of witchcraft. 
Those who are exiled or have no where else to go when they are living their last days go go places like this. 

The miracle of it though, this particular Hospice has had a 70% recovery and survival rate in the last 5 years. This Hospice, ran by the Pastors wife, is so clean, loving, and provides all the medical needs that people who have stage 4 AIDs and TB are actually recovering and getting better! 

Praise the Lord!! That is such a miracle! 
You rarely hear about cases like those turning around, but that is becoming the norm at this Hospice! 

It's stories, testimonies, and witnesses like this one that make me miss South Africa every second of every day.