05 July 2011

the fourth.

I will warn you now.. the next week all my posts will be about 4th of July. 
I love 4th of July. 
love it. 

This fourth of July felt different to me. I appreciated it more. It was more real; what our men and women have done for us seemed more real. 
I was sitting there 2 nights in a row, watching fireworks listening to America themed music in a free country that men and women fight for everyday with my family and best friend. 
I've always understood what Independence Day meant. I promise I do. But for the first time in my life I felt like I understood what life would be like if we weren't free and what those men and women are like.

I give credit to 2 things: 1.) Africa 2.) my navy friends

As you all know, I just got back from 3 weeks in South Africa. What I probably havent mentioned is that I'm going back for 3 months next year and plan to move there when I graduate. 
I miss it so much.
Even though I miss it and want to go back. I understand now what a privilege it is to live in America. 
I just got back from a place where crime is inevitable and corruption is guaranteed. 
I just got back from a place with men holding machine guns and machetes ready to use them on anyone. 
And this weekend I was home. home. 
I was in the home of the free. 
home of the brave. 


Brave brings me to my next point. This year I met, dated, fell in love, and broke up with a man in the Navy. 
But I also fell in love with his friends. 
I still speak with all of them [including him] weekly. 
And for the first time in my life, I am close with people in the military. 
During the fireworks all I could see in my head was their faces and I realized the reality of war and men and women in the military. 
They, my friends, are the ones who are fighting. 
my friends are the ones keeping us free and safe.

As Americans, we take a lot for granted. Including our freedom. 
That is one thing I will never take for granted again. 

It took me 20 years, but I think I finally grasp the reality and magnitude of how amazing and blessed our country is as well as all the men in women who have ever been, are, or will be in the military. 

So thank you. 
Thank you very much. 

God Bless you ALL!! 

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